Human Family
"Would you like to take family portrait with complete strangers?” is the question you first must answer before entering into our 10ft x 10ft cozy little square studio space. 4 out of 5 people usually say “no” without even realizing what they’ve just been asked (granted it is 8am in the morning) but our favorite answers have been the ones that say, “sure, why not!”
Ethnographic Research. Campaigns. Data Driven Design. Human-Centered Design.
Ethnographic Research. Campaigns. Data Driven Design. Human-Centered Design.

Our world is facing serious division. So to bring people together, we simply brought people together, by asking complete strangers to take family portraits.
We are more alike than we are different.

It all started with a simple data: 56% of Santa Monica residents said that there are people in their neighborhood they could count on, compared to the U.S. average of 80%. Given such fact, we wanted to create a project that would be a catalyst in bringing people together.

So, would you like to take a community portrait with stranger?
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One Club Merit Award Winner